"Children have the right to education no matter who they are: regardless of race, gender or disability"
Article 28 of the UNCRC
At Green Lane Pre-school we firmly believe that no child, wherever in the world they live, should be forced to study outside or in a dangerous environment. With access to a good, comfortable, and secure education, children can escape poverty.
For the past six years GLN has initiated and supported a project with a Comedor (orphanage) in Merlo in the province of Buenos Aires (Argentina) to provide a safer place for young children to learn and play. The Comedor is working hard to provide one meal a day to more than 300 children who live on the streets. Many children in the Comedor orphanage do not have access to education and the ones that are lucky to have some sort of education are forced to study under trees, in all weathers.
They are exposed to the elements, distracted, and find it difficult to learn. For those who do have some shelter, it is often unstable, with holes in the ceiling that lets the rain in, leaving children cold and wet, and ruining their work.
Through regular donations, and in collaboration with Eva, the founder, we are supporting the building of safe and secure classrooms, so that children can focus on their learning, and their futures.
Miss Giovanna, who has already visited the project in 2022, is aiming to revisit by the end of year 2023 to see progress at first hand and learn more about what we at GLN can do to assist.